Fired up wife

Big ol’ Dad Bod

Ugh, so for the record, I can’t even stand the fact that I’m writing about ‘Dad Bods’. The name alone is enough for me to drive scissors into my ears… I thought the term was well and truly over and then I heard a couple of women talking about Leonardo DiCaprio and his ‘SEXY’ dad bod in line at Target (shout out!). I felt myself slowly (or not) filling with rage. Seriously, why do men get one more chance to be loved for being just like the rest of us? All of a sudden men get to gain weight and have a beer gut and the world swoons? Jesus. I mean, don’t get me wrong- I actually do love it; the gut, the softness, the whole thing. And that’s what drives me crazy. But, take a step back and think about how that leaves us women. We are judged from an extremely young age to have the ‘perfect body’. Magazines, tv, movies all scream, ‘you’re not good enough’! And then good old Mother Nature decides that women are the strong enough gender to give birth and we are forced to say goodbye to our bodies as we knew them and try to embrace our new lovely lady lumps. Which can suck, but at least we can look at our little ones and it makes it worth it, right? But we are still judged. The term like ‘baby weight’ is thrown around like it’s no big deal. Why the fuck aren’t ‘Mom Bods’ the new fad? Why can’t our bodies be embraced for what they are? Especially since Mom Bods came around from actually creating and growing tiny humans; Dad Bods came around from too much beer and nachos (let’s be honest- that’s partly how I got mine). That’s it! I’m starting a revolution! Who’s with me? Mom Bods! Mom Bods! Mom Bods! Oh wait, silly me, I forgot. It’s never going to work. Turns out women are missing one teeny tiny thing for society to accept us – a penis...